Does Beard Oil Help Your Beard To Grow?

Does beard oil help your beard to grow?

Many men with beards don’t realize that beard oil exists. Beard oil is a great way to maintain the health and condition of your beard. Beard oil is also very good for any man with a patchy beard to make it full. Read on to understand exactly how beard oil helps your beard to grow!

Beard Oil Is A Great Addition To Any Beard Care Routine

Beard oil moisturizes and conditions your beard, which helps it to look healthier and feel softer. It also helps reduce itching and dryness, making it easier to brush and style your beard. Also, allowing your beard to have less breaking, in turn, helps your beard to grow longer.

Beard oil supplies help your beard to grow based on the ingredients that are in the oil. Some oils are designed for the specific result of growing a beard. It is also designed to nourish your skin. Healthy skin means healthy beard growth.

When Should You Use Beard Oil

The best time to put beard oil on is post-shower after washing your face. Dry your beard with a towel so it is damp and not wet, and apply the oil. Likely, you will only need to do this a few times a week and not every day. However, the amount of times you apply the oil is ultimately up to you and your preferences.

The best part about beard oil is that you don’t need any special equipment or skills to use it properly. You can simply take a few drops of oil and rub them into your hands before massaging them into your beard and face area.

Beard Oil Is Great for Hydration

Hydration with beards is very important because the hair on your face is naturally more coarse. For a smooth beard consistently, use beard oil regularly. Beard oil has a history of making men’s beards grow. You can get most beard oil products at a barber supply company.

Beard oil is an effective way to make your beard grow faster, thicker, and fuller because it moisturizes the skin underneath your facial hair, which helps prevent dryness, itchiness, and dandruff caused by dry skin conditions.

The Science Of Beard Growth

The average human has 100,000 hair follicles on their head, and men have about half of that on their faces that go through different stages of growth. Beard oil assists with hair growth. Lavender is a common ingredient in beard oil. It may help to stimulate hair growth by increasing blood flow to the scalp.

Another study found that a blend of rosemary, thyme, and cedarwood oils caused an increase in hair follicle size when applied topically. The researchers also noted that these results were similar to those achieved with minoxidil (Rogaine), a drug used to treat male pattern baldness.

Choose The Best Beard Oil For You

The most recommended oils for men’s beard are Jojoba Oil, Castor Oil, Avocado Oil, Sunflower Oil, Coconut & Fractionated Coconut Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Almond Oil, Orange Oil, Lavender Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Peppermint Oil, Frankincense Oil, Sage Oil, Patchouli Oil, and Cedarwood Oil. Barber Depot carries any beard oil you could need.

Beard Oil And Beard Growth

While there’s no solid science behind beard oil and helping beards to grow, many men say that beard oil does help with their beard growth. Beard oil combined with a healthy diet and exercise will have you on the road to a thick and full beard in no time! Find your perfect beard oil today!